Hey Welcome to my site,please check it out and if ya like it tell a friend about it.
In this site you should find pictures, information, and links, also other things having to do with DBZ.You can participate in this site too.Check all the pages, I have some places where you can do things like sign the guestbook, or add DBZ links, or help out the saiyans by passing on the message about this site. Email a message to a friend, and tell them about this site.
What up I have been busy lately but I am starting to update again,lately on dbz its been alot of action so I am trying to finish up the web battles and do some other stuff so help me out by leaving some ideas in my guest book,add your web site adress in the guest book and in my links page.....
If you email me or sign my guest book list a cool site, so i could link it, remember it all has to do with DBZ.
Email me so i can get help with inproving my site.